Revival Yearnings*

September 14, 2009

Last time, I ended by telling about the salvation and baptism of my grandson, Kyle.  The other day, his older sister Kayla crawled up in the hammock with me and said she was ready to become a Christian.  The Holy Spirit has been dealing with her a long time. We talked for a while and went in the house. Terri suggested we get her Dad on the phone. Jason’s a Fort Worth firefighter and was at work. I told him she was ready and he should lead her to the Lord over the phone. That’s about all I could get out, I was so choked up.  He talked with her and led her in prayer. He was crying. Kyle was bouncing off the walls. He’s been praying that everyone in his family get saved. I baptized her the next Sunday.

I just got back from Tamazunchale, San Luis Potosi, Mexico, my second trip there this summer.  I went to help a team from an East Texas church.  I’ve been with these good folks on a couple of other missions. Their church is becoming what we call a Strategy Coordinator Church. That’s an International Mission Board concept. A local church adopts a region in Mexico (or another country) and takes responsibility for working with local Christians in opening up new areas for Gospel work and church planting. This church is planning four trips to this region next year.  Last week was primarily for officially establishing a working relationship with a couple of local pastors who are already getting it done.  They have started a seminary and nearly 70 missions in those mountains. We had about a dozen folks come to Christ last week.

September 23 – October 5, I’ll be taking my first trip to the Philippines. We’ll be preaching in the schools, just like in Africa. I’ll have the privilege of standing before thousands of high school students and presenting the Gospel.  Please go to my friend David Stockwell’s web site, for more info and also pictures from our Zambia and Uganda trips. It is crucial to have folks like you praying for us throughout this venture.  Please pray for the anointing of the Holy Spirit, for open doors for the Word, for deep conviction of sin and genuine conversions. Also, for the safety, health and financial provision of the entire team.

Next time:  Report from the Philippines and an exciting announcement.


*Revival: an extraordinary movement of the Holy Spirit producing extraordinary results.

Yearnings: protracted, insistent and strong desires or cravings, especially in wishing for something lost; longings for the attainment of something unfulfilled.

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