Out of Touch

Dear friends and family:

I’ve been out of the country and out of touch off and on for most of July and part of August. Contrary to popular belief, I wasn’t eaten by cannibals! (Although I have eaten some unidentifiable meat lately.) I have been up in the mountains of Jalisco taking the Gospel to Indians villages. Some of them, we know it was the first time they had heard the Gospel. In one village we were told the last Christians who came in there had been run out of town with rocks. The state where I minister most often has less Christians per capita than either Iraq or India.

Then I was in Matamoras, a border town. I normally go into the interior because a lot of mission teams go to border towns. But we have an ongoing project there, trying to knock on about 250,000 homes. 79,000 covered so far. This trip, we went to 4000 homes, which is about normal for a week. What was above normal was that over 400 homes invited the local churches back to conduct evangelistic Bible studies. That’s the purpose of these kind of projects. I believe that was a record.

Then I spent a week in Port Arthur, Texas during an almost hurricane. I worked daily with the associate pastor, Jose. He’s from El Salvador. We had people saved in their homes who were from Nicaragua, Mexico and the Cayman Islands. What a joy! I preached seven times in Trinity Baptist Church for my buddy and Operation Go Mexico partner, Pastor Mike Due. Mike was in Tabasco, Oaxaca and Chiapas, Mexico and also in Guatemala, scouting out new territory to send me to. Chiapas is the state where there is severe persecution of Evangelicals. I’ve had that area on my heart for a long time.

Being at Trinity for a week reminded me how much I miss preaching. I still am not fluent enough to preach in Spanish. Anybody out there want me to come preach for you?

Sorry to be so brief. I’m on a borrowed computer. We have moved but don’t have air-conditioning or internet yet. I love my wife! She is so patient.

Praying for personal and corporate revival,


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